The Talangpaz Sisters are not just blood sisters, but also Sisters for Christ and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Dionisia Talangpaz was born on March 12, 1691 and Cecilia Rosa Talangpaz on July 16, 1693 in Calumpit, Bulacan, Philippines from the union of Don Andres Talangpaz and Dona Isabel Pamintuan. They are the kin of Felipe Songson, a martryr from Pampanga who is one of the companions of St. Pedro Calungsod and Blessed Diego de San Vitores.
Driven by inner strength and union of desires, they both offered themselves to the service of the Lord in twofold way of contemplation and action: thier lives centered in the daily Holy Eucharist, nourished by the filial devotion of the Blessed Mother under the title of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel as they engaged in silent hard work in the sanctuary. Their fidelity did not escape the notice of the OAR Friars of San Sebastian convent headed by Fray Diego de San Jose and the residents of Calumpang.
In blessed time, the two sisters pleaded to the Friars to don the habit of Mantelatas of the Third Order of St. Augustine which was granted on July 16, 1725.
In their new life, Mother Dionisia de Sta. Maria and Mother Cecilia Rosa de Jesus, as they were now called, experienced difficulties and trials. They suffered severe interior sufferings which an ordinary heart could not bear. It was only the grace of God that sustained them. yet in humility and silence they bore and lovingly endured them all, telling Fray Diego: Father, it is clear that God and the Most Holy Virgin deigned to test us and purify our souls in the crucible of sorrows. But for now, we must be patient and suffer till Our Lord and His Most Holy Mother will have mercy on us.
In God's due time, their immense sufferings turned into joy. The trials blew off. They sttled peacefully now in a new house built by the priest, who become their great provider and protector.

From the Beaterio de San Sebastian de Calumpang started the growth of the Congregation. The foundation which the Sisters had laid on solid rock continued to flourish and develop even after they were called to their eternal reward-Mother Cecilia Rosa on the 31st of July 1731 and Sor Dionisia on 12th of October 1732.
The Congregation of the Augustinian recollect Sisters, which originated in 1719, is he fruit of the missionay zeal of the Augustinian Recollect Fathers in the Philippines. It was canonically established as a Religious Congregation on August 19, 1929 and was declared of juridical autonomy by Pope Paul VI on November 20, 1970.
The cause for their beatification was introduced in Rome through the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints in 1999.
Prayer for Favors
Merciful God, you have called your servants Dionisia and Cecilia Talangpaz to manifest your grace of humility and fortitude in serving your Church, under the mantle of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Grant this favor (mention your intention) united with the loving supplications of your dear courageous and faithful Mother Dionisia and Mother Cecilia, whose glory and joy in your kingdom we ask you to reveal her holiness and grant her beatification through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen
(One Our Father, One Hail Mary and One Glory Be)
For all the favors received, kindly report in writing to:
Beatification Commission
Augustinian Recollect Sisters Motherhouse, St. Rita College
Plaza del Carmen, Quiapo
1001 Manila Philippines